What is expected from new comer on chAnQya?

Just bunch of suggestions and guidance; don't consider this as policy or official statement.
HA Harshil Mehta asked 4 years ago
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What is the peak of human physical abilities? Can a peak human like Captain America exist in real life?

Humans are not known to be as strong, as fast or as durable as most animals but what is the upper limit for humans?
VI Vishnu Elayath asked 4 years ago
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What are some personal finance tips that every younger must know?

Personal Finance is something that we ignore a lot. Even our education system doesn't focus on it. Indians mostly learn this through mistakes. What are some things regarding this we all must know?
VI Vishnu Elayath asked 4 years ago
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A reference of a website in the footnote of a book sufficient enough to meet the requirement of Indian Copyright Act?

Does a reference of a website, whose contents and ideas have been adopted in the book, in the footnote of a book is sufficient enough to meet the requirement of Indian Copyright Act. The book is meant for commercial sale.
SA Sanjay Mohan Bhatnagar asked 4 years ago
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Are there any striking similarities between ancient civilisations?

The ancient civilisations like Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, Mesopotemian etc are famous. Did they have any known similarities?
VI Vishnu Elayath asked 4 years ago
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How did ancient scientists and mathematicians measure the circumference and surface area of Earth?

Modern day machines and computers weren't available in ancient times. How did then the scientists measure such huge distance and calculate it so well?
VI Vishnu Elayath asked 4 years ago
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What would be the difference in abilities between a man who hits gym and prehistoric hunter men?

What strength or skill differences will be seen between modern day gym freaks and ancient hunters?
VI Vishnu Elayath asked 4 years ago
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Why India and Pakistan both claim success in Today's kulbhushan Jadav case at International court of Justice?

I have seen tweet of Pak journalist claim win in case and Indian media and government also claim success. Could someone elaborate please.
PR Pritesh Patel asked 4 years ago
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